It's the most expensive film ever to be made in Australia, but Baz Luhrmann's Nicole Kidman-starring drama, disappoints...

After making stylised films such as Moulin Rouge, Australian director Baz Luhrmann attempts a big love story with a dramatic historical setting- Australia is the Second World War. But the result is not the Antipodean Titanic that he would like it to be. The tone mixes comedy, romance and drama. Nicole Kidman is not good at comedy, however, and the first thirty minutes of Australia is a painful experience in which she tries too hard to be funny. She improves as the film becomes more serious, but the principal characters remain two-dimensional. The best thing is Australia itself, but Luhrmann includes landscapes that are clearly computer generated. Why call film Australia and then show a fictional creation? That error offers a metaphor for everything that is wrong with this film- it is kitsch pretending to be realism.


Volcanic islands

Geographically, theses are the most isolated island in the word-4,000 kilometers from the nearest landmass. Originally formed by volcanic eruption, they are still in the process of formation today- the Kilauea volcano on the main island has been in continuous eruption for the past 23 years, producing a slow river of lava that flows down to the sea and cools into rock. The magma has created one of the planet's most dramatic landscapes. Although the island are tropical, for instance, there is snow on the summits of their mains mountains.


Welcome everybody.

One more year I must create my English blog.
I hope that you like it, and I also think that it will be better than my other blogs.

Visit it and comment a lot :)


During this year I would be better in oral expression. I also want to learn about English costumes.

I try this photo because I think that this course I must to study a lot and work very hard. I want that my last year in Casa Nostra school become a great and special year.

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