Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm writing to get information about lottery funds for a community project in my little town.
St.Miquel de Campmajor, is a small and beautiful town near to Banyolas.

There aren't many interesting places in and around the town, and there aren't many villagers too. The place is very quiet and clean but is a bit isolated. For that reason, I would install a network of buses to transport people to Banyolas.

This would be great for the village!
I would be great if you could send me information about lottery grants. If you have any questions about my project, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Clara Boix
Village committee
Town Hall


Based on Sophie Kinsella's bestselling novels, Confessions of a s Shopaholic is about a journalist,
Rebecca Bloomwood, who is addicted to shopping, Considering today's economy, this is either the best time for a movie about someone who buys too many clothes, or the worst. Certainly, when people are losing their jobs, it is more difficult to sympathize with a character whose big problem is that she can't resist buying shoes. However, Isla Fisher's interpretation of Rebecca is charming enough to overcome this problem. As with The Devil Wears Prada, the anti-consumerist moral is this film is subverted by images of Rebecca in various designer clothe. But it is good fun, with some genuinely hilarious moments, and that is all it intends to be


BRAD PITT has an usual new job.. slowing traffic in Siberia. A Russian newspaper reports that cardboard cutouts of Pitt have been placed near the most dangerous intersections in Siberian city of Omsk, in the hope that drivers will reduce their speed to get a good look at the star. "There are many dangerous spots in Omsk, but a shortage of policemen" said one local official. " We had to improvise"


My name's Clara and I'm deaf since 2000. I lost the hearing when I was traveling with my family in a brutal car accident. It was a very hard thing to accept.

My life has changed a lot since I am deaf but now I already know the language of the deaf so my life is becoming easier.
I don't need much help because I have learned to adapt to my new situation, but on of the things that annoy me is that people feel sorry for me. I think that they don't understand that I'm a normal person...
People usually want to help me, but I don't need usually help!!

In conclusion, being deaf is not a disadvantage if you try to improve yourself. If you do that, you will become the happiest person in the world.