RADIO PRESENTER: Good evening. This is Clara Boix introducing tonight's edition of "What do you think...?" This evening our subject is global warming , and what you can do to help the planet. My gue3sts are Paula Omedes, editor of the monthly magazine Green Themes...

PAULA OMEDES: Good evening

PRESENTER: ... and Chris Reader, columnist and politician.

CHRIS: Evening

PRESENTER: And don't forget that we'll be taking your calls and questions, too. The number to ring, as always, is 0800987456. So, Paula, What can we do to save the planet? Or is too late?

PAULA: No, Clara, it's never too late. The important thing to remember is that everyone can help in the fight against global warming. In our family, for example, we recycle our rubbish, we shower instead of taking baths, we make sure we turn off the lights when we leave the room as well as electronic equipment when it's not being used, and I always choose seasonal produce...

CHRIS: Excuse me, Paula, but do you really think turning off a few electric lights will make any difference?

PAULA: You know, Chris, I think it can. Take a simple example: you have a shower instead of a bath. That way you save about 50 liters of water. Use a glass of water when you clean your teeth instead of leaving the tap running, you save 24 liters of water. Then multiply those figures by the inhabitants of a big city such as London, and that's a lot of resources being saved.

CHRIS: Sorry, Lisa, but frankly I just don't buy it.
Take the government's sudden obsession with global warming.
If you ask me, the government is just drawing the publics attention away from the real problems in society today, like crime, national security, unemployment...

PRESENTER: If I can' interrupt for a moment, our first caller this evening is Roger from Woking.
Hi, Roger, I think you have a question for us.

ROGER: Yes, thank you, I have a lump on my nose. It's very itchy and I've tried everything to...

PRESENTER: Umm, Roger, Roger,... if I could just stop you there, I think you've called the wrong programme. Doctors' Weekly is now on Tuesday night...

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